Women's Health
Discharge Instructions for Incontinence Surgery
Your recovery at home will take some time. You will likely need
Don't lift or strain
Lifting or straining can damage your healing pelvic floor muscles.
For the first
6 weeks after surgery, don't lift anything that weighs more than5 pounds. This includes children, grocery bags, and briefcases. Also don't push or pull heavy items, such as a vacuum cleaner. -
After the first
6 weeks, you can start to lift heavier things. But don’t lift anything that weighs more than10 to 15 pounds until your healthcare provider says it’s OK. -
While you heal, drink at least
8 glasses of fluids each day. Eat foods high in fiber. This helps prevent constipation, which may lead to straining. Ask your healthcare provider whether you should take laxatives.
Care for your incisions
Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions to care for your incisions. Here are some guidelines:
Put nothing into your vagina for the first
6 to 8 weeks. This includes tampons and douches. -
You may have light vaginal bleeding or discharge for about a week. Use sanitary pads. Don't use tampons.
Take showers instead of baths. Getting into and out of the tub can strain an incision.
If adhesive strips were used to close an incision, leave them in place for
1 week. After that, you may wet and remove them. -
Don't have sex for
6 to 8 weeks.
Be active
Follow any advice your healthcare provider gives you to help you be active. This may include the following:
Take walks often to help your body heal and regain strength after surgery. Ask your provider how often you should walk and for how long.
Don't lift weights, jog, or run until your healthcare provider says that you can.
Ask your healthcare provider whether you should avoid climbing stairs and, if so, for how long.
Don’t drive until your provider says it’s OK and you are no longer taking prescription pain medicine (about
6 weeks).
Your return to work
You can return to work
When to call your healthcare provider
Call your healthcare provider if you have any of the following:
Pain that is severe or seems to be getting worse
Fever of
100.4 ° F, (38.0 °C ) or higher, or as directed by your provider -
Heavy vaginal bleeding
Lots of blood in your urine
Trouble peeing
Swollen, very red, or tender incision
Vomiting that won’t stop
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Symptoms of a bladder infection. This may include fever, pain or burning feeling when peeing, and needing to pee but not being able to.
Online Medical Reviewer: Raymond Kent Turley BSN MSN RN
Online Medical Reviewer: Tennille Dozier RN BSN RDMS