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What Do You Know About Child Development?
Test your knowledge of child development by taking this quiz.
1. When riding in a motor vehicle, how tall should a child be to sit in a regular seat and use an adult seat belt instead of a being strapped into a car safety seat or booster seat?
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Children are usually big enough to use a regular seat when they are 8 to 12 years old. But children ages 12 and younger should ride in the back seat. Before letting your children use the regular seat and adult seat belt, make sure the seat belts fit them. The shoulder belt should lie across the chest, not the neck or throat, says the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The lap belt should lie across the thighs, not the stomach. Children should be big enough to sit so that their back is against the back of the seat and their feet are hanging down, with the knees bent. Until your child reaches this size, they should stay in a booster seat.
2. For which of these should you call your child's healthcare provider instead of trying at-home treatment?
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Call your child's provider right away if your child has fallen or taken a blow to the head and briefly lost consciousness, is acting strangely, or is vomiting. Get emergency medical care after a fall or blow to the head if your child is unconscious; is breathing abnormally; is bleeding from the mouth, nose or ear; has pupils of unequal size; or is dizzy or confused.
3. Most young people in the U.S. don't get calcium in their diet.
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Children and teens need calcium for growing bones. Calcium is a mineral that many parts of the body need. Its main job is to build strong bones and teeth, which contain 99% of the body's calcium. Most calcium in the diet comes from milk and other dairy products.
4. About what percentage of children have obesity in the U.S.?
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According to the CDC, 19.7% of children ages 2 to 19 were obese in 2017 to 2020. Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the U.S., putting children and teens at risk for poor health. Talk with your child's healthcare provider if you are concerned about their health.
5. Menstruation can start at which of these ages?
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In the U.S., the average age to start menstruating is 12. Menstruation can't occur until the entire reproductive system has matured.
6. It's estimated that about 9% of American children ages 3 to 17 have attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Which of these are treatments for ADHD?
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ADHD is a long-term (chronic) condition of the brain that makes it hard for children and teens to control their behavior. With treatment, the outlook for children and teens with ADHD is encouraging. Each child or teen's ADHD treatment plan is tailored to meet their individual needs. Treatment options may include education about ADHD, individual and family counseling, medicine, parent training in behavior management, and teamwork with your child's healthcare team, teachers, caregivers, and your child.
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Watson, L Renee, MSN, RN
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Wojcik, Stacey, MBA, BSN